Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April Challenge, "Nocturne"

St. Mark's in the Rain ~ Venice 2014, 6x6, oil by Pamela Copeman

Wheels of Change 8x8 Page Pearson Railsback

"Nighttime Latte," WIP by Paula V

"Field Of My Dreams" 5x7, oil by Kelley MacDonald

"Welcome Home"  6 x 8  oil by Jody Regan

"Evening on the Hamakua coast"
6"x6" acrylic by Sally Dean

5x6 oil by Mary Sheehan Winn


December 2024 Challenge. "Mixed Media"

  "Water Lily Wonder" 6x6 mixed Media by Kelley Carey MacDonald.  This month the topic was 'mixed media' - which is always...