Sunday, August 1, 2021

July 2021 Challenge: "Summer Delight"


 "Overlooking the Glades" 8"x10" Oil by Margaret Farrell Bruno
A hazy warm summer day painting plein air with friends last week. 
What a view that this gentleman let our plein air group paint from.

"July Exuberance", 20x16 Mixed Media by Kelley Carey MacDonald
I am a little greedy when it comes to seeds and flowering plants, I love and want them ALL.  And the end of July rewards (?) me with Every kind of blossom, all jumbled together, reaching high and bursting with color - all order and planning jettisoned! 

Victoria Chesley Brega “A Good Read”  12” x 18” acrylic 
“ My niece Lyd relaxing afloat Uptacamp in Maine.  My old iPad is starting to pixilate a bit, which actually made an  interesting version of the cloud patterns on the water… Maybe a good sketch for a larger painting.”

"Garden Gate" 5 1/2"x7"n Oil by Pam Copeman

"Zinnias Forever" 10"x7" Acrylic by Page Pearson Railsback

"Oh, What a Perfect Day!" ink & watercolor by Jody Regan.  Created a watercolor journal while spending time on Monhegan Island, ME, this summer.  Each day is perfect, walking the island, drawing the comings and goings, meeting and chatting with people, always with the rugged backdrop of Manana Island across the harbor. 

"Rocks and Water" by Sally Dean 12"x16"
 painted tarpaper collage on tar paper and ink
I love being near any kind of water in summer. Looking at all the different rocks brings me joy.

"Cure for the Summertime Blues" Acrylic on Paper by Paula Villanova
On my deck of many colors...

"Kent House, Walpole, ME" 6"x9" Gouache by Jeanne MacFarland
A lovely home built in 1750 by sea captains on the shores of Clarks Cove on the Pemaquid penninsula on a summer day

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December 2024 Challenge. "Mixed Media"

  "Water Lily Wonder" 6x6 mixed Media by Kelley Carey MacDonald.  This month the topic was 'mixed media' - which is always...