"A Peek Down A Path in Town" by Pamela Copeman
"Dusk In Ptown", 12x12 by Kelley Carey MacDonald
An iconic view of this historic, beloved spot at the tip of the Cape.
"Wood End Lighthouse" 4x8 gouache by Jeanne MacFarland
When I think of Provincetown, Mary Oliver comes to mind. 5"x5" watercolor by Sally Dean
by Mary Oliver
What do you say, Percy? I am thinking
of sitting out on the sand to watch
the moon rise. It’s full tonight.
So we go
and the moon rises, so beautiful it
makes me shudder, makes me think about
time and space, makes me take
measure of myself: one iota
pondering heaven. Thus we sit, myself
thinking how grateful I am for the moon’s
perfect beauty and also, oh! how rich
it is to love the world. Percy, meanwhile,
leans against me and gazes up
into my face. As though I were just as wonderful
as the perfect moon.
“The Bloodhound”
12x12 oil on panel by Mary Sheehan Winn
Entry to PAAM 12x12 silent auction (link not yet live)
Cruising into Provincetown on the Captain John, we were treated to the sight of the
Bloodhound, sailing off of Long Point Light.
She is the sister ship to the famed 100 year old Hindu which has spent the winter in Maine, being rebuilt from the ribs up. The Hindu will be returning to Provincetown very soon, if it hasn’t already.
I used choppy brushwork to dramatize the sky and the water while creating light in the sails. Everything about this scene speaks to me.
“Dunes” by Margaret Farrell Bruno 4”x4” oil
“P-Town Bound” 6”x8” Acrylic
Tori Chesley Brega
“Family weekend trips to exotic early 70’s Provincetown on our beloved sloop “Triumvirate” were a real treat. Always so magical to see the monument come into view after crossing from Scituate…”
"P-Town in July" 6 x 6 gouache by Jody Regan - I love the busyness and the inclusiveness of the P-town streets |