Saturday, September 1, 2012

August Challenge: Music

"Music Provided by Nature" 6x6 by Nancy Colella

To me, the constant sound of waves breaking 
is a bit of Nature providing us with background music.
All we have to do is listen!

"Pally's Key's" 6x6 by Pamela Copeman

"Abstraction on Copelands
Appalacian Spring"by Sally Dean
I just responded to the music using 8 colors.

"Best Old Friend" 6x6 by Kelley MacDonald
This Challenge reminded me of how much I love the guitar, and now I'm determined to take it up again!

"Jingle Bells Rock" by Tori Brega

"Practice Makes Perfect" 8X8 by Jeanne MacFarland

Symphony Of Crickets

"My Epiphone"

 "Open Mic" 
6x6 by Jody Regan

"listening To Satie" by Joan Brancale

June 2024 Challenge: Favorites From Our Archives. Celebrating 15 years of GirlsJustWannaPaint!!!!

 We never dreamed that this group would still be working together, painting and posting on this blog when we started in 2009!  We have all h...