"Little Italy, Philadelphia"
6x6 oil on panel
"Cat Nap" 5x7
acrylic on panel
by Kelley MacDonald
"Steve on the Deck" 12"x18" Acrylic Gouache on paper by Paula Villanova
Chiaroscuro, after Botticelli, by Sally Dean
12'x12" acrylis and oil
"Steve on the Deck" 12"x18" Acrylic Gouache on paper by Paula Villanova
"Copper Lusterware Pitcher" 8"X8" Oil on canvas by Margaret Farrell Bruno
"Miss Lottie Luscious"
12x16 oil
by Pamela Copeman
"Ruby Keeping Cool"
8x10 acrylic
by Victoria Chesley Brega
"City of Light" 9 x 12 mixed by Jody Regan ROCKTOBER 12x12 Page Pearson Railsback |
12'x12" acrylis and oil