Monday, August 1, 2011

July's Challenge: Kenny (Page's Cat or Any Kenny!)

Kenny the Cat by Lisa Daria Kennedy 

Ken- The Doll by Nancy Colella

Cat's Eyes by Jeanne MacFarland

KEN KEN by Page Railsback

Tinker Mackerel Dream by Tori Brega

Sleepytime Kenny by Kelley MacDonald

"Dreaming of Fishies" by Paula Villanova

Kenny by Sally Dean
 "Kenny" by Mary Sheehan Winn

"R.E.M." by Joan Brancale


  1. They are all so different, but every single one so entertaining and wonderful. Lucky Kenny to be the subject of so much attention! I love them all!

  2. Gotta love Kenny and his twinkling toes. Great job ladies each painting so colorful so special and charming!

  3. Kudos to Nancy C for her very different and creative take on the "Kenny" theme.
    I considered going that route...but couldn't resist sweet little Kenny Kitty...Nicely done Nancy!

  4. Very nicely done, your proportions in this are fantastic, although you made it look easy, I know it takes talent to get it right with the cat in that position.

    I'm into making my paintings more proportionate right now so I am Looking more at how they look than how well it's painted, but you nailed this in both areas!


October-2024:Challenge: Topic - "Comfort"

  "Gott's Island. Maine"  woodcut- 24"x48" by Sally Dean My husband and I have visited this special island in Maine ...